Engso Youth Football


All of the projects which we coordinate or partner in at European and International level are developed around ENGSO Youth’s five working groups: health, sustainable development, social inclusion, sport diplomacy and education and employability. Find more details about the projects below:


Hooray Project


January 2023 - June 2025

Physical activity has been shown to have a strong and positive influence on mental wellbeing and as a preventive measure for mental illnesses especially if done in young ages. HOORAY project is based on a practice-oriented, research-informed educational remedy for tackling mental health through physical activity and sport, offering an educational solution designed to address the mental health challenges faced by young individuals while doing sports. Through research the project will help to understand the links between physical activity and mental health in adolescents. It will explore the adolescents’ perception towards physical activity and collected good practices from across the EU.

Co Funded By Eu Extended 2
Youmind Logo Proposals 5


January 2024 - June 2025

YouMind project partners are committed to healthy lifestyles and well-being in the sports community, recognising the importance of mental health for young athletes. It is well known that the sports environment can be a factor in the development of mental health struggles for some young athletes. Partners aim to prevent this through three main project objectives: 

  1. Raising awareness about the importance of mental health in sports (through surveys, workshops and social media campaign);
  2. Developing different strategies to prevent mental health issues for young athletes;
  3. Developing a guideline in the form of a digital leaflet and promotional video on the athlete’s experiences.
Co Funded By Eu Extended 2

Social Inclusion

Allstars Project


February 2024 - December 2025

The project’s goal is to identify and analyse successful local sport policies for enhanced sport participation. This means identifying projects and programs at the local level particularly oriented towards enhanced integration and participation of usually less organised, marginalised segments of society into the practice and the governance of sports. The project intends to improve participation in sports for those segments of society that are usually underrepresented or excluded. The project partners believe that it is here, at local level, that new and innovative approaches can be developed and it is the very focus of participation in a tangible sense. By combining good practice, institutional change and the analysis of local networks, the project seeks to highlight new and successful ways in process and content of local sport politics and governance.

Co Funded By Eu Extended 2
Best Inclusion Project 2

Best Inclusion

June 2022 - June 2025

The BeST inclusion project aims to contribute to the work for greater inclusion within the sport sector by making practical recommendations to sport employers regarding the employment of women, young people and people with disabilities. Through policy propositions and analysis of good practices in EU countries the partners aim in achieving a more inclusive workforce. The project produced three different studies about barriers to employment of women, young people and people with disabilities within the sport sector which serve for creating a single guide where good practices on these topics will be included. Thus, the different objectives of the project are to identify the reasons why the employment of young people, women and people with disabilities are either constrained or encouraged at national level, and then to use the results of this research to come up with general recommendations at European level.

Co Funded By Eu Extended 2

Sport diplomacy

Youth In Action

Youth in Action


Youth participation in shaping sport organisations is vital for democratic societies. While young people actively engage in sports, they lack meaningful roles in decision-making within these organisations. Addressing this disparity is crucial for a more inclusive and diverse sports community.

Eyf Coe Logo3