Engso Youth Football

Working groups

ENGSO Youth has the objective of empowering youth and supporting them in finding their active role in society. We aim to: 

• Improve our capacities as a youth organisation; 
• Better define our contribution to the youth sector; 
• Implement sustainable projects; 
• Build long-lasting cross-sectoral networks; 
• Commit to projects and partnerships with long-term effects. 


Social inclusion

Main aim: to promote the participation of youth in sport regardless of disability, ethnicity, race, gender, socio-economic status, location, or other socio-economic background characteristics, while fostering intergenerational dialogue and solidarity through sport.

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Space and Participation for All

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Moving Rural Youth Forward

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Inclusive Societies

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Equality of All Genders

Education & employability

Main aim: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote skills development opportunities through sport in formal, non-formal and informal education contexts.

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Quality Employment for All

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Quality Learning

Sport diplomacy

Main aim: to strengthen cooperation between youth and sport sectors, and ensure the right to proper youth representation in sport governance.

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Connecting EU with Youth

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Information & Constructive Dialogue



Main aim: to promote sport and physical activity as crucial determinants for the physical and mental health and well-being of young people.

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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Sustainable Development

Main aim: to support and implement a holistic approach to the sustainable development of Grassroots Sport.

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Sustainable Green Europe