We give youth a real say in sport

In 2002, national sport organisations united to form a coalition to fight for youth rights within the European sport movement. The independent youth body of the European Sports NGO (ENGSO) – ENGSO Youth was born.

We Support

Supported by:

Eu Coe
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Read our latest news

Lithuanian Sport Forum 2

ENGSO Youth at Lithuanian Sport Forum

ENGSO Youth Chair Ugnė Chmeliauskaitė and ENGSO Youth Secretariat, Lithuanian Union of Sport Federations and its General Secretary Ringa Baltrusaite,...

Our definition of organised grassroots sport:

“Organised physical and sport activity practiced by people of all ages at a non-professional level and regardless of skills and ambitions. The activities are carried out on a regular basis for health, educational, social purposes and the enjoyment of movement and sense of belonging.”

We work on issues concerning young people and sport

Source: 2022 Flash Eurobarometer on Youth & Democracy


of young people participated in a sport club over the last 12 months.


of young people have at some point in their life participated in cultural or sports activities in another EU country.


In 24 out of 27 Member States, a sport club is the type of youth organisation young people are most likely to have participated in.

Our work is based on 5 working groups

Education & employability

Sport diplomacy


Social inclusion

Sustainable development

We run a Young Delegates programme

ENGSO Youth Young Delegates programme connects individuals who are willing to take meaningful action and play an important role in advocating and empowering children and young people in the sport for all sector. It is a devoted and knowledgeable group of individuals (18-30 years old), committed to using sport as a tool for positive social change.

These are our latest position papers

We work with European and international organisations


European Commission.svg
Eo Coe Youth Partnerships
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MOU and partner organisations

Eoc Logo
Eusa Logo
Tafisa Logo
Logo Eglsf Gold2
European Paralympic Committee
1200px Special Olympics Logo Svg

We support

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Beactive 2022
Eu Climate Change
New Logo Unfccc Cc Blue And Black
Iwg Horiz Master Logo 1600x762
Brighton plus Helsinki Declaration
Isca Irts Logo
No Hate Speech Movement 350x150px
April6 Pas Logo Rvb Scaled

2015 TAFISA World Sustainability award winner

Tafisa Logo
Lithuanian Union Of Sport Federations

Our secretariat is hosted by ENGSO member Lithuanian Union of Sports Federations.



Lietuvos sporto federaciju sajunga
Zemaites 6, LT-03117 Vilnius, Lithuania


Phone: +370 5 2310637


Email: [email protected]