ENGSO Youth at the 18th Council of Europe’s Conference of Ministers Responsible for Sport

The 18th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Sport was held from 8-10 October 2024 in Porto, Portugal. Organised by the Council of Europe, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth (IPDJ), the conference focuses on the theme of “Collaborative Governance and Good Governance in Sport”.

Council Of Europe Conference 2024

ENGSO Youth (EY) Chair Ugne Chmeliauskaitė, EY Policy Manager Tiago Guilherme and EY Alumni Club member Fabio Silva took part in the youth initiative of the conference.⁠ The role of ENGSO Youth was to support and reinforce this initiative that was put forward by the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth. 


ENGSO Youth Chair Ugne Chmeliauskaitė introduced the work of the organisation with other 20 youth leaders nominated by Member States and EPAS members. Ugne encouraged young people to continue working for a better quality of life for all, and highlighted sport as a way to achieve it.⁠ Together with participants, Ugne, Tiago and Fabio participated in discussions about Council of Europe Youth strategy, importance of the Macolin Convention, European sports charter, values-based sport, future of Youth in sport governance. 


ENGSO Youth congratulates Council of Europe, EPAS and Portugal for the initiative and urges Council of Europe and the Member States to continue the work involving Youth in the decision-making in sport governing bodies and the upcoming 19th Council of Europe’s Conference of Ministers Responsible for Sport. 


As EPAS CC Gender Equality Rapporteur, ENGSO Office Director Marie Denitton participated in the EPAS CC meeting and the conference.

Coe Sport Youth

The conference brought together representatives from more than 40 countries, alongside member organisations of the EPAS Consultative Committee. This year’s event also included a group of youth delegates which are part of a dedicated initiative to engage younger voices in the event. 


The event aimed to address critical issues in the governance of sport, focusing on enhancing cooperation and transparency among various stakeholders. Focus sessions also addressed two highly relevant topics: Gender Equality and Dual Career, and included a session dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Macolin Convention on the manipulation of sports competitions. 


The opening day commenced with remarks from Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, alongside Pedro Duarte, the Portuguese Minister for Parliamentary Affairs with responsibility for Sport, and Linda Hofstad Helleland, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Culture, Science, Education, and Media.

Coe Sport Conference

Prior to the session on the European Sports Charter, attendees were welcomed by Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee. Additional speakers included Pedro Duarte, Raymon Blondel, President of the European Paralympic Committee, Benny Bonsu, Director of Daily Content at Olympic Channel Services, Morten Schmidt, Director of Programmes at the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, and Gévrise Emane, Olympic Champion in Judo and Lifestyle Athletes Manager at the French National Institute for Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP).


You can learn more about the conference here.

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