ENGSO Youth was selected by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) for the implementation of the EU Youth Test

ENGSO Youth is amongst the youth organisations selected for the implementation of the EU Youth Test at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

In September 2022, the EESC adopted the opinion The EU Youth Test, a tool designed to strengthen youth participation and youth mainstreaming in policy-making based on consultation, impact assessment and mitigation measures, becoming the first EU institution committing to its implementation. This means for example involving youth representatives in opinions drafted by the EESC. In April 2024, the EESC Bureau approved the methodology drafted by the EESC Youth Group for applying the ‘EU Youth Test’ at the EESC.


This means that if a certain opinion covering sport matters is discussed within the EESC, ENGSO Youth will be consulted to make sure the youth perspective is included in the opinion.


Thus, this represents yet another instance within the EU architecture where ENGSO Youth can further advocate for grassroots sport and advance important priorities for youth sport.

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