HOORAY project presented at the National Scientific Meeting of the Italian Society of Social Psychiatry (SIPS)

The HOORAY partner and the researcher of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità Chiara Ciacchella attended the National Scientific Meeting of the Italian Society of Social Psychiatry (SIPS),which took place in Lecce, Italy, on 26-28 June 2024, where she presented the research implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ funded initiative HOORAY. 

The comprehensive congress programme explored the contribution of psychosocial determinants in influencing the pathogenesis, progression and treatment of major mental disorders. A symposium entitled ‘Sport, Physical and Mental Health’ was included in the agenda on the last day of the congress to highlight how adopting a more active lifestyle can be an important protective factor for life expectancy, quality of life and mental health. 


In this context, Chiara Ciacchella represented the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the Italian partner of the HOORAY project, and had the opportunity to present the main project outcomes achieved so far, exploring the role that physical activity and sport have on adolescents’ mental health from a theoretical and applicative point of view.

During the lecture, the findings of HOORAY studies “What works?” and “Youth voices” were shown and the “Compendium of practices across Europe” was presented for the first time.

Chiara Hooray

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