Ahead of the European Elections 2024 and a few days after our intervention at the European Parliament’s CULT Committee meeting, ENGSO Youth returned to the European Parliament with a delegation composed of our Young Delegates for the second edition of the LevelUP! event, organised by the European Youth Forum in cooperation with the European Parliament and the European Commission.
The LevelUP! is a two-day capacity-building event that took place in the European Parliament, from 12 to 13 of April, in Brussels, Belgium. The event brought together 1300 young leaders from diverse backgrounds across Europe to elevate their skills and amplify their impact on issues they deeply care about, with a commitment from the participants to campaign for an increased voter turnout in the 2024 European Elections.
The 2-day core programme was packed with workshops and activities from several different Youth Organisations and institutional partners that were divided into three sections according with the following topics:
⭐ “My Europe”: For the issues Young People care about and what the EU is doing about them.
❤️ “My Voice”: For effective campaigning and advocacy skills.
✅ “My Vote”: For workshops on democracy in action.
Aligned with the European Union values and together with our incredible Young Delegates, ENGSO Youth took an active role in the event by hosting two workshops based on our programme “Back to Basics: Human Rights Education through Sport”, where 100 young leaders where able to learn how to advocate and act as multipliers for Human Rights from a non-formal education perspective and using Sport as a tool.
We were also present at the European Youth Forum stand for a speed-dating activity where we showcased ENGSO Youth work to the participants of the event.
Our Young Delegates also shared a few words about their experience at LevelUP!
Sakia Effert (Young Delegate – Working Group Social Inclusion)
“It was a very encouraging and empowering feeling to encounter so many active and committed young people who all want to make a difference and fight for a bright Europe. The talks and discussions with people from all over Europe gave insights into very different perspectives and opinions which was a fruitful experience. I really enjoyed being part of such a great event and getting the chance to see the heart of European democracy with all its facilities and mechanisms from the inside.”
Lucia Gosebrink (Young Delegate – Working Group Sport Diplomacy)
“It was an amazing experience to have the opportunity to represent ENGSO Youth, engaging with young and truly inspiring people from all over Europe, and attending workshops covering a great variety of topics. Let‘s keep leveling up the European Youth engagement on a new level.”
ENGSO Youth would like to thank the European Youth Forum, the European Parliament and the European Commission for the successful organisation of the second edition of the LevelUP!, as well as all the Young Leaders and Youth Organisations that participated.