Local sport policies for enhanced sport participation: ENGSO Youth joins the ALLSTARS project
ALLSTARS, Good Practice for Active Lifestyles in Local Sports Policies – Governing the integration of marginalised groups in sports, is a new Erasmus+ collaborative partnership which, under the coordination of the GSU German Sport University, will put special emphasis on identifying and analysing successful local sport policies for enhanced sport participation.
The ALLSTARS project first meeting took place at the GSU German Sport University in Cologne, Germany, on 15 February 2024. ENGSO Youth was represented by its Projects and Partnerships manager Nadica Jovanovik. This was the kick-off meeting of the project where the partners discussed the planned activities and deliveries, set timelines and agreed on the next steps.
The proposed project’s goal is to identify and analyse successful local sport policies for enhanced sport participation. ALLSTARS will improve participation in sports for those segments of society that are usually underrepresented or excluded. By identifying and understanding good practices for the integration, and through inclusion of the marginalised groups, the aim of the project is to better understand and popularise inclusion through sport policies and programs.
ENGSO Youth is responsible for the dissemination and communication of the project. We will also contribute to the data-collecting process where we will identify best practices in Lithuania when it comes to sport policy creation. At the end of the project we will also organise a local EU conference.
In the upcoming months, the project team will focus on data collection about the good practices related to creating policies about sports on a local level in EU countries.
In the past, ENGSO Youth led several projects on the topic of inclusion such as Human Rights Education through Sport, Sporting Inclusion and Diversity and Step in for Inclusion. Currently we are also partnering in Best Inclusion project which focuses on the sport sector workforce.