ENGSO Youth raising voices for youth at MINEPS VII

The 7th International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VII) took place on 26-29 June 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan. ENGSO Youth gladly accepted the invitation and participated in the conference, represented by ENGSO Youth Chair Ugnė Chmeliauskaitė.

The participation gave ENGSO Youth the possibility to listen, collect ideas and share our experiences in the field.


Youth was continuously mentioned during the conference. For a good reason because the highlight of MINEPS VII was the launch of the Fit for Life Alliance, with youth being at the core of the document!

The “MINEPS VII Outcome Document: Fit for Life Alliance” endorses the implementation of the Fit for Life sports initiative on national and international scales.

It focuses specifically on:


  • championing gender equality in and through sports,
  • youth empowerment and addressing mental health issues,
  • other socio-economic outcomes related to skills, better understanding, preventive care,
  • financing impact investments in sport for social outcomes,
  • sport for development in Africa, and
  • tackling violence against girls and women.
Mineps Vii

All topics are related to the fields ENGSO Youth is working on and we are glad to support the initiative and contribute to the implementation and activation of these important developments through sport. 


As stated by UNESCO, MINEPS VII is a global conference that engages governments, athletes, the private sector, and other stakeholders to increase investment in sport, improve sport practices, foster quality physical education, and magnify the positive impact of sport on health, society and the economy.


This year’s  Conference was preceded by a Multistakeholder Forum (26-27 June) gathering high-level representatives from the private sector, development banks, athletes, and mayors.

Read the MINEPS VII outcome document: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000385925

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