Open call: ENGSO Youth Young Delegates 2023–2025 (closed)
The call is closed. Thank you for your interest.
ENGSO Youth is looking for enthusiastic Young Delegates who are willing to take meaningful action and play an important role in advocating and empowering children and young people in the sport for all sectors.
By joining our team you will be working with a devoted and knowledgeable group of individuals, committed to using sport as a tool for positive social change.
About ENGSO Youth
We are the European youth sport organisation, the autonomous youth organisation of the European Sports NGO (ENGSO). ENGSO Youth focuses on the youth sport-for-all sector in Europe and represents young Europeans under the age of 35 in more than 30 countries.
We are at the forefront of youth sport advocacy at European level. ENGSO Youth actively works on current youth sport issues (healthy lifestyle, mental health, social inclusion, sustainable development, education, volunteering&employment, youth empowerment) with its member organisations (National Sport Confederations or National Olympic Committees), European institutions and partners from civil society.
We involve a growing number of young Europeans and organisations in our work to develop ENGSO Youth capacities in more European regions, foster cross-sector cooperation, and develop projects with long-lasting, multiplying and self-perpetuating effects on current youth sport issues to leave a lasting legacy.
What do we offer?
Mentorship from one of our experienced Committee members/Alumni Club members;
Participation in ENGSO Youth activities (when applicable);
Networking opportunities with internship and job offers;
Monthly online meetings within one of the 5 Working Groups (social inclusion; health; education&employability; sustainable development; sport diplomacy);
Annual Young Delegates meeting;
Opportunity to contribute to position papers and other relevant documents (when applicable);
News about EU policies in relation to youth and sport;
Social Media engagement;
Certificate and/or Letter of Recommendation after term is completed;
Young Delegate – Best Volunteer Award.
What is your role?
Active involvement and participation in monthly online Working group meetings, developing and implementing working group action plan in line with ENGSO Youth strategy 2024-2026;
Active involvement and participation in annual Young Delegates meeting;
Producing at least one article per year, published on our social media channels;
Representing ENGSO Youth at various events related to its work (when applicable);
Approximate ENGSO Youth Young delegate volunteer time estimation is 5 hours per month, but it highly depends on personal involvement and willingness to be a part of ENGSO Youth activities (attend&host different events, workshops, trainings etc. besides working group meetings).
What are the selection criteria?
As a Young Delegate you need to fit the following criteria:
You are 18–30 years (within 1 June 2023 – 31 May 2025);
You are coming from one of the Council of Europe countries;
You are interested and have experience within the sport for all sector&youth empowerment;
As a volunteer you are ready to commit to the cause and be actively involved in our work;
You are confident in using English in a working environment.
The following criteria might be considered as an asset:
Recommendation letter from ENGSO Member organisation.
The Young Delegates mandate is for 2 years (June 2023 – May 2025) with the possibility of applying again if criteria is met.
ENGSO Youth encourages all young individuals with diverse professional, academic, and cultural backgrounds to apply. Geographical and gender balance will be assured during the selection.