Hooray partnership kicks off in Munich with an aim to improve the youth mental health through sport & PA
Based on our policy priority in the field of youth health, the Hooray partnership, coordinated by ENGSO Youth, will aim to improve youth’s mental health through organised sport or/and physical activity by developing evidence-based recommendations and guidelines for people delivering sport education, be it sport coaches or physical education teachers.
The official Hooray project opening took place on 16-17 February 2023, hosted by the project’s partner Technical University of Munich (TUM). ENGSO Youth was represented by the Chair Ugnė Chmeliauskaitė, Projects Manager Nadica Jovanovik and Visuals Designer Camila Sobrino.
At the opening in Munich, the representatives of the partner organisations adopted the timeline and the action plan of the project that will address the decline in mental health of youth by exploring the impact and positive influence physical activity and sport can have on improving the overall well-being and mental health of young people. The fruitful discussion also revolved around the exchange of experiences in the field of mental health, physical activity and adolescents.
Besides good practices collection and the European-wide communication campaign, the project’s 2023 activities will include two studies: 1) “What works” – Evidence-based guidelines regarding physical activity and mental health of adolescents, and 2) “Youth voices” – how adolescents perceive mental health enhancing physical activity.
The partners of the project:
– ENGSO Youth as coordinator
– International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA
– Technical University of Munich
– Budapest Association for International Sports
– Instituto Superiore di Sanita
– Monikansallisten naisten hyvinvointi ja liikunta ry
– Rijeka Sports Association for Persons with Disabilities
– Sports Alges e dafundo
The next in-person meeting is set to take place in Rome, Italy, in December 2023.