David Jané Chacopino was one of the participants that took part in all three activities of the ENGSO Youth Human Rights Education (HRE) through Sport programme. The HRE programme supported youth and sport organisations as well as sport and youth workers in developing competences and knowledge to act as a multiplier for Human Rights and Human Rights Education through Sports.
From the 24th of October until the 1st of November 2022, David attended an Erasmus + programme under the name “Stand Together For All” in l’Espluga del Francolí, Spain, which addressed issues such as inclusion, integration, empathy, tolerance, equity, cooperation and justice. These themes were addressed over seven days by twenty-five participants from countries such as Ghana, Egypt, Morocco, Poland, Italy, Spain and Romania.
The main objective was to provide information and raise awareness among young people about the social problems in which many people are at risk of social vulnerability, which is directly linked to the Human Rights subject.
One of the activities that was proposed and implemented by David during the event was the game created and improved during the three workshops of the ENGSO Youth about Human Rights Education (HRE) through Sport programme, that took place in February (Budapest), in June (Portimao) and in October (Arnhem).
The result of these three connected workshops was, among other insights and games, “The Fair Throw” game which aims to invite the players to reflect on the inequality of opportunities and injustices that society experiences on a daily basis, sometimes even without its citizens being aware of it.
Given the topic of the project in which David was participating, it was an excellent idea to practise the recently officially presented Fair Throw game, in which many of the subjects of the youth exchange could be placed. In short, the game fitted perfectly with the main theme of the event.
According to David, the game was an absolute triumph. Not only did the participants have a great time and had fun playing the game, but they also, thanks to the posterior debriefing and reflection, realised how closely the game is a mirror of our society, which often violates or infringes many fundamental human rights.
The participants came to such powerful conclusions such as:
Through interactive and fun elements, including physical activity, the Fair Throw delivers an experience of “privilege versus disadvantaged”. Participants are divided into several groups with some having a better starting point and opportunities to play the game than others.
Fair Throw will be one of the games presented in the Human Rights Education Through Sport manual which will be released on 10 December 2022. The manual will be made for the education of young people using sport as a platform. It includes interactive sport/physical activity workshops and leading reflection questions for further discussion.
About the Back to Basics – Human Rights education programme:
The main idea of the programme is to support youth and sport organizations as well as sport and youth workers in developing competences to act as a multiplier for human rights and human rights education through sports in their realities.
“Concluding and Strategizing Seminar” is the third and last international learning activity of the programme. During the international activity we will focus on concluding the manual for human rights education through sport and developing a strategy for its dissemination and extension. The event will serve to close the process, provide a space to finalize the results, plan the next steps and evaluate what has been done throughout the year.
At the same time during the international activity we can promise a focus on new ideas, connection with 30 youth leaders in sports and showcasing the role of SPORT to advocate for Human Rights!