After the introduction of our team and our project, we divided the final report to two main chapter: 1, Mega sports events and Sustainability (in general) and 2, Case study: Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which one had more topics. These were: Facilities, Management: Volunteers, Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the Games, Education for Sustainability and Sport-ES, Main outcomes: social, economic, environmental and Legacy. We wrote them individually and during more meetings we cross-checked them. We closed the Final Report with our conclusions and recommendations based on our work.
We also made two rounds interviews with volunteers on Tokyo 2020 and university students to get to know the public’s opinion, experience and knowledge about the sustainability aspects of the Olympics, which can shade our report with a subjective view. The overall results were that the volunteers (37 people) really enjoyed their work but also said negative aspects. The students (9 people) sensed very little from the Games which was in their home city. These facts and opinions were also part of the report.
Our visits in the facilities helped a lot during our work. Not only was it interesting to see the new Olympic Stadium from inside and exciting to go rafting in the Kansai Kayak center but we also learned a lot there about the construction and economic methods that were used during the planning and implementation of these facilities. We could build on these experiences in our chapters. It was also unique about Tokyo 2020, that the use/reuse of the old facilities was not just around 40% as in the previous Games but almost 60% which is a great way of sustainability.
I also had a chapter about the lots of actions that the organizers made to prevent the spread of COVID-19 before and during the Games. I found many scientific articles about that topic, because this was the first mega event where they had to take care of a world-wide pandemic, and maybe not the last. Instead of the highest priority on safety-first rules, the Tokyo Olympics significantly increased the daily average number of COVID-19 cases in Tokyo and in Japan as well, according to a scientific estimation. During the common work I had other, smaller tasks to finish the Final Report.
I think due to the lots of experience that we had in Tokyo during these almost four weeks and the teamwork, we could make the Final report a useful summary of the sustainability actions and after-effects of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. For me, this international teamwork (with many kind of experience and working methods) was instructive. On the other hand, I learnt a lot about the sustainability aspects, approaches and methods which can be very useful during the organization of mega and even local sport events.
After the workshops and teamwork on the final report, we had many opportunities to visit Tokyo and its neighborhood: the lots of shrines, parks, hiking trails, buildings, Japanese foods and other Japanese specialties gave an amazing experience during the almost four weeks. I am very grateful of our Japanese hosts and ENGSO who made it possible for us.