Explore & Develop: Human Rights Education through sport for young people

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The first international activity of the Back to Basics – Human Rights education (HRE) through Sport programme, called “Explore & Develop” was held on 14-19 February 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.

30 Young people from all over Europe gathered to explore the potential of sport as a tool for education on Human rights. The main goal of the workshop was to support youth and sport organizations to improve their competences and act as a multiplier for Human rights and Human rights education through sports.
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The HRE started with ice breaking activities where participants got to know each other better in a fun and active wayfollowed by a session on reality mapping with a brainstorming on the different Human rights categorisation systems andtheir importance. Is it possible to prioritise one Human Right before the other? Is Sport a Human Right? These andsimilar debates were leading the sessions during the first day. Moreover, participants created and signed their owncontract, stating the mutual agreement to respect the responsibilities and rights of everyone attending the workshop.Perfect way to learn advocating for understanding of Human Rights from the scratch, putting different perspectives andcultural backgrounds in the contract.
Day one was finalised with debates on specific case studies on Sport and Human Right issues carefully chosen by facilitators and ENGSO Youth Young delegates – Isaiah and Anton.
After getting to know each other and different angles of Human Rights better, participants were introduced to Compass -a manual for Human Rights Education, published by the Council of Europe. Different activities were tested with thefocus on adaptability and adjustment to the sport sector. Ending the day with a BeActive session in the Open Ice SkatingRink in Budapest.
Welcomed by ENGSO Youth Alumni Bence, participants got to know initiatives and activities, which are organised in theRink, such as inclusive sessions for the people with disabilities. Sustainability aspect was not forgotten! All the practicaldetails to keep the Rink sustainable were discussed. ENGSO Youth is very grateful for trainers, who also kept participantstrying out this sport for the first time – safe and sound.
A field visit to the European Youth Center in Budapest, gave a lot of inspiration via the different opportunities andactivities it offers, focusing on Human Rights education and youth development.
Taking the inspiration from the visit and Compass activities, participants lead the development of special games adaptablefor the sports sector, which helps to highlight how sport is contributing to the Human Rights education and helps raiseawareness of the young people of its importance in everyday life. Now more than ever.
ENGSO Youth will continue the programme of Human Rights education through sports! Besides localdissemination events and workshops, Youth Camp for young people will be organised in Portugal in 2022 summertime. Stay tuned!