Sport books or sport policies? Dream project? Karaoke?
We talked to our longtime Young Delegate and friend, and the 2021 Best Volunteer Award winner and now #ENGSOYouth alumni Laura Maria Tiidla.
How did you find out about ENGSO Youth? Word of mouth
What inspired you to join ENGSO Youth Young Delegates? TAKING PART IN EYSF 2017
Best thing about ENGSO Youth Young Delegates PROGRAMME? The incredible international network
Your 3 most important values? Be true to yourself
What would be your dream “sport for development” project? A long term global leadership programme for youth in sport.
Why is volunteerism important? For the skills and confidence it provides
One super power young people have, and others don’t? Curiousity and Challenging traditional ways of thinking
Biggest issue in sport right now? Inactivity crisis
One life lesson sport has taught you? Tenacity, determination
Your favorite Global Goal, and why? Partnerships
11. Climate action is necessary because __________ ? We only have one planet to live on
12. One sports person that inspires you daily? Engso chair Ugne Chmeliauskaite
13. What is your proudest accomplishment? To continuously support and pave way for other young people.
14. Where do you see yourself in five years? No idea, I will see what life brings my way.
15. What was your favourite Olympic athlete in childhood? I didn’t watch the Olympics, I was too busy doing sports myself
16. What’s your favourite sport book? SPORT POLICY documents
17. What would you sing at Karaoke night? I can’t sing, so I avoid the karaoke like the plague.
18. One super power you wish you had? Patience
19. If you would be a superhero, what human rights crisis would you solve? Reducing inequalities