After the turbulent year of 2020, ENGSO Youth takes stock of the state of the climate at the beginning of 2021, focusing on the future of youth within the sports movement. As presented within the “Youth Sport for Climate Action” position paper we have already acknowledged some initiatives, like #Sport4Climate, the leading global example, with many influential athletes showcasing their commitment and taking the message forward.


Position paper: youth sport for climate action - where are we now?

Due to the global interest around sport and its media coverage, sport can influence millions of people around the globe, and lead by example as it reexamines its own practices and policies to move fans and society towards a more sustainable future within and beyond the sporting field and we are happy to see this happening. To add on this, we as ENGSO Youth support the initiative of the European Commission for the European Climate Pact inviting everyone to participate in climate action and to build a greener Europe. In 2020, we also signed the Sports For Climate Action Framework, initiated by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


But where are we now, and where are the young people?

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